
“As soon as I get out of this bed, I’m gonna take you dancing,” he told her. His pasty skin wasn’t much improved from the day before but he was smiling today, even if it was a tired one.

“Dancing? We dance all the time. Why are you even thinking about dancing right now?” she asked. The medication made him loopy but this was kind of cute. She pulled her chair up closer to his bed and took his open palm into hers.

“Your shoes. I want to take them off,” he said as his eyes caressed her from head to toe. She smiled. 

He was very easy to take care of. He looked at her sometimes with so much appreciation her heart felt too big to hold inside.

“You’re projecting,” she said gently.  She could tell he wanted to reciprocate her care for him.

“I know. I love you,” he told her.

“I love you too.”

                                                                                      – Arekahs

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