Song Lyrics

Liam’s Hit Single: “When the Earth Breathes”

Track: When the Earth Breathes

Artist: Liam

Album: Echoes of Tomorrow

Release Date: [Junis 1]


(Verse 1)

In the shadow of the giants, where the earth lay bare,
We stood with voices raised, a chorus in the air.
From the ashes of silence, beneath the watcher’s gaze,
Came a whisper of defiance, the beginning of the days.


When the earth breathes, under starlit skies,
We find our hearts beating in its rise.
In a dance of shadows and light,
We stand united, our spirits ignite.

(Verse 2)

Through the veil of the night, came a light unseen,
A bond forged in the stars, a future to redeem.
With hands of different shades, but hearts that beat as one,
We sowed the seeds of change, under the same sun.

When the earth breathes, under starlit skies,
We find our hearts beating in its rise.
In a dance of shadows and light,
We stand united, our spirits ignite.

In the quiet before the dawn, in the space between the words,
Lies the promise of a song, that’s waiting to be heard.
As the earth whispers its dreams, in the roots and in the streams,
We’re the keepers of its tales, the healers of its seams.

When the earth breathes, under starlit skies,
We find our hearts beating in its rise.
In a dance of shadows and light,
We stand united, our spirits ignite.

So here’s to the dreamers, the believers, the night seekers,
To the bond that grows deeper, as the earth breathes beneath us.

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